Monday, April 12, 2010

Asparagus Selection & Storage

Below are some tips to selecting the best asparagus at your market.

1. Look for straight, bright green, rounded stalks. You want spears that are firm to the touch and not bendable.
2. Select from asparagus that does not have a strong odor
3. Make sure tips are small, closed tightly and either dark green or purple
4. Avoid woody stalks
5. Choose spears of similar size so they will cook uniformly

Asparagus is best enjoyed immediately after purchasing. But to obtain freshness for up to 3 days, follow one of the methods below.

1. It may be stored for longer periods of time simply by placing bundled stalks upright in an inch or two of water (just enough to keep the stalks moist). Cover the tips loosely with a baggie to protect them from contamination.
2. Or you can wrap the cut ends of asparagus with a lightly dampened paper towel and seal it in a plastic bag before refrigerating.

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